Saturday, September 11, 2010

Visual Assignment

I still haven't decided which visual artwork I am going to do for the project that we have been assigned. I would like to do one of Dali's paintings, but there's just too many to choose from. I need to pick something that captures my attention right when i look at it. Otherwise, i think that i will have a hard time trying to figure out what to write about. If I enjoy the painting, then i believe that i will probably not have much difficulty writing 5 pages (double spaced) on it. I need something that has a lot of color in it. I don't want one of his religious paintings, or one with his wife in it. I wouldn't mind doing one of his surrealist paintings; I think that there are many different ways that one can go with surrealism in interpreting what is going on in the painting. I might pick one of the paintings above, but I'm still not quiet sure.

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