Friday, September 17, 2010

Art is everywhere

So while I was waiting for the MARTA train today on my way home for the weekend, I saw this piece of artwork hanging on the wall. I didn't really expect to see such a thing while waiting at an underground train station. I couldn't really make out what the shapes and stuff were except for the yellow lizard right in the middle. I guess that's what the focus might be on since it captures the viewers attention right when they look at it.
And once I saw it, I realized that art can really be found anywhere and everywhere. If you just look at a building, it is art because somebody designed it. Even outside of the high museum there were artistic structures that were really fascinating. Even the ice cream swirl outside the Ferst Center is an artistic structure that is found on campus.


Max said...

Which MARTA station is this at? It is a very cool-looking work of art, and I wish that more art like it is added to other stops as well, because the ones that I have been to are dull (or I have not noticed any art) and could use something colorful like this one.

Its my response said...

this was at the midtown station.