Saturday, September 4, 2010

High Museum Visit

Even though I have lived in Atlanta for a while, I have never been to the High Museum, so when I went there a few days ago, I didn't really know what to expect. But as soon as I walked inside, I was really amazed. The first thing that I saw was the 3-D sculptures of the fruit on the main floor. They looked so real, but just a lot bigger. Then we went to see the Dali Exhibit, and I have to say that it was really amazing. I realized that from what we were discussing in class, that art is all about perspective. And Dali is definitely an artist who took perspective into thought. The way that he did some of his paintings just made it look as if it were 3-D. Not only did I see art in the High Museum, but also as Ashley and I were walking to the museum itself. We were going to take Marta, but then we just decided to walk it. And I have to say it was worth it, because it was a very scenic tour.

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