Thursday, September 16, 2010

Debris of an Automobile Giving Birth to a Blind Horse Biting a Telephone

So I finally decided which of Dali's paintings I am going to do for the visual art assignment. I'm going to be doing Debris of an Automobile Giving Birth to a Blind Horse Biting a Telephone. It's a really long title for a painting. One of the reasons that I chose this painting was because there is so much going on; it is almost as if a story is being told. The main subject in the picture is a horse, but not just a regular horse. It is one that is being transformed into to a automobile, as the title insists. One notable thing in the painting is the light source. There are only two visible light sources in the painting, the hanging light bulb in the foreground and the moon in the distance. Another reason I chose this painting is because there is only one color scheme that Dali has used; he only uses dark colors in the painting to get the effect of the night life depicted. The title of the painting tells a lot about what is going on in the painting itself. It basically summarizes the big picture of the painting.

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