Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Semoitics and Art History

This article wasn't the most interesting thing that I have read. I thought it was really boring and I was really confused through out most of it. I believe the reason for this was because the audience that this article was intended for was more for people who enjoy art and are critics. The audience is expected to know a lot about what the author's talking about. The whole article is very factual, and it is not really approaching the audience. However, to make it easier for the readers the author has done several things. One is that there are titles for each of the sections. This way, the readers get a heads up as to what the section is going to be about. Another thing that the author does is give analogies and examples to help explain his message. There are also a lot of footnotes included in the article, for those who actually want to go and read them. One thing that I did learn from this article was about semoitics. Prior to reading this article, I had no clue what semoitics was, nor had I even heard of the word. But I came to know that semiotics is the study of signs; the study of language. So what does semiotics have to do with art? One has to look at the different aspects of a piece of artwork in order to find the symbols and representations of different objects to find hidden meanings in them.

1 comment:

DJ said...

I agree with you that this essay is extremely hard to read, if you are not an avid art follower, as I am not, and I also agree with you that there are a few things that the authors do to make it more accessible to the audience. They included examples and analogies in addition to labeling the sections and including footnotes. Is is also very apparent that the intended audience for this article is limited.