Sunday, September 5, 2010


I would like to respond to how in the Berger essay, it described how the caption of a painting can make a differnce in the way a viewer views the painting. That is something that never really crossed my mind until I looked at the example of the two pictures in the essay. It made me realize how important titles of paintings really are. By just looking at the title, it can change the whole way a viewer interprets a painting. This all ties in with perspective and can be related to literature as well. In novels we have stories that are written in different perspectives, from a first person narrator to a third person narrator. And the story that is told is seen differently from whatever perspective you are in. Same with paintings, the way you look at a painting may depend on what perspective you are looking at it. At the High Museum, there was one painting of Dali that up close it just seemed like a bunch of dots, but if you moved further back you were able to see the face of a woman. Technology has enabled us to see in different perspectives. Yet, back in the day, artists were still able to create works from a different perspective without the aid of these modern technologies that we have today.

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