Saturday, September 25, 2010


Art isn't just about what is done with paper and pencil, or paint on canvas. With the technologies that we have now, art can also be done on computers using several different programs. Photoshop is one of these. With photoshop, so many different things can be done to a picutre not only to make it better, but to change it totally. Someone can easily take a picture of something and alter it in such a way in photoshop, it would look totally different. But not only that, they can create something (like the picture above) starting with just a blank white page. It is amazing how with the technologies that we have now, art has a wide range of what it can be.

1 comment:

DJ said...

I completely agree with this. I have seen extremely elaborate and life-like images generated through electronic means, such as photoshop. Photoshop gives artists the ability to create much more realistic images than any other medium allows.