Saturday, October 2, 2010

The High Museum....Again

I went to the high museum again on Thursday, when it was GT Night at the High. I went with a few friends who wanted to see the Dali exhibit. Even though i had already seen it, I still went to see it again a second time. And it surprised me the amount of new different things you can notice in a painting the second time you look at it. I think Dali's paintings are ones that I won't really get tired of looking at. Each time I look at one of his paintings, I seem to notice something different. I guess it's cause the first time i was looking at them i was really ashtonished. Even for Debris of an Automobile Giving Birth to a Horse Biting a Telephone, which is the painting i did for my paper, I noticed different things compared to the picture i was looking at online. You're able to see more details when looking at an actualy painting compared to looking at a picture online.

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