Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Food Art

Did it ever occur to you that food can be a form of art? It didn't really click into my head until I remembered when i used to go on holidays in the Caribbean, they would always have a watermelon or pineapple cut and shaped as something, whether it be a person or an animal. These carvings that the people do must take a lot of skill and patience. And just to think that one wrong move and it could result in the whole thing getting messed up. I found two examples of 'food art.' One is Mr. Potatoe Head made out of many many cans. Another (i thought was cute) was a panda bear face made out of sushi. I guess one of the reasons people do food art is to get people to like and eat their food. I'm guessing this works a lot with little kids. If you make a food that they don't like fun in a way, you could actually get them to eat something they normally would make a huge fuss over.

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