Sunday, October 31, 2010

My Presentation

I think my presentation went well. It was a lot better than I thought it would be. I was really nervous about presenting, but once I got up there, i was fine. And the time up there went by really fast. My topic was different types of public art thats found on campus and how this creates an identity for who we are as college students. I started off by talking about public art objects that seemed pretty obvious, and then I slowly moved onto other forms that weren't really so obvious, ending with the Tech trolley. When i first took a picture of the trolley, I didn't really think i would be using it as part of this project, cause it didn't seem like it would be considered public art. But then i realized that it was because someone somewhere took the time to design the way it looks. It's not an ordinary bus, and it's available to students throughout campus. It creates an identity for who we are as GT students.
I wasn't really sure what my theme was going to be either. But as i took pictures around campus, i realized that we have a variety of public art here and how it's really an important part of this college campus.


Overview of the visual essay project:
I really enjoyed working on this project. Why? well one of the reasons i would say is becuase i like to take pictures. And i've noticed now, that when i've been driving around town, and i see some statue or waterfall- i'm like hey, that's public art. I guess i never really realized how much public art means to our society.
I also liked some people's topics they chose, including just focusing on benches, street lamps, or even stairs. It never really occurred to me that benches or street lamps or even stairs could be considered as public art. But I now have realized that not only are those things considered to be part of public art, but many other things as well.
I think that everyone did a great job on their presentations. I thought that a lot of people would have the same images, or even the same topics, but even if they had the same images (which weren't as many as i thought there would be), they would be taken from a different perspective or that person's topic was different. So essentially, the same object was part of two different areas of public art.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Wrapped Reichstag

In class this week, we were shown some public art that Christo and Jeanne Claude have done. I found it really interesting how they art is on a very large scale basis. For example, they put up orange fabric throughout Central Park. In Berlin, they covered the entire Reichstag building with fabric. The Reichstag was only covered up for 14 days. I really like the birds eye view of the reichstag.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Visual Essay

I think for my visual essay project, I'm going to do a theme of public art on Georgia Tech campus. Cause around campus, there's so many different types of public art that can be seen. Some include: the different types of architecture, chalk drawings, statues, monuments, and posters. Here are a few pictures that i have taken so far.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Public Art

So what exactly is public art? Public art is art not found in museums. It is art that is found outdoors and art that represents the public. Some older cities have older monuments and statues where as newer cities have more modern works of art as monuments. Public art consists of sculptures, buildings (architecture), monuments, chalk drawings (like what we have here on campus) and much more. I believe that public art is a way to show people what is out there in terms of art. If they are not able to go and see what artworks are in museums, then at least they can see art through public art, which is free for them to see.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Food Art

Did it ever occur to you that food can be a form of art? It didn't really click into my head until I remembered when i used to go on holidays in the Caribbean, they would always have a watermelon or pineapple cut and shaped as something, whether it be a person or an animal. These carvings that the people do must take a lot of skill and patience. And just to think that one wrong move and it could result in the whole thing getting messed up. I found two examples of 'food art.' One is Mr. Potatoe Head made out of many many cans. Another (i thought was cute) was a panda bear face made out of sushi. I guess one of the reasons people do food art is to get people to like and eat their food. I'm guessing this works a lot with little kids. If you make a food that they don't like fun in a way, you could actually get them to eat something they normally would make a huge fuss over.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

The High Museum....Again

I went to the high museum again on Thursday, when it was GT Night at the High. I went with a few friends who wanted to see the Dali exhibit. Even though i had already seen it, I still went to see it again a second time. And it surprised me the amount of new different things you can notice in a painting the second time you look at it. I think Dali's paintings are ones that I won't really get tired of looking at. Each time I look at one of his paintings, I seem to notice something different. I guess it's cause the first time i was looking at them i was really ashtonished. Even for Debris of an Automobile Giving Birth to a Horse Biting a Telephone, which is the painting i did for my paper, I noticed different things compared to the picture i was looking at online. You're able to see more details when looking at an actualy painting compared to looking at a picture online.

Sand Sculptures

Sand sculptures are really amazing. I don't even know how those artists do them. It really must take a lot of time and effort to do something like that. And it would also depend on the sand that is on the beach. They'd have to mix the right amount of water to get the sand in the right condition. I have never seen a sand sculpture in real life, but the ones i have seen in pictures really amaze me. It'd be nice to see a real one one day.