Sunday, October 5, 2008

Thoughts of SL

So far, Scarlet Letter is an interesting novel. There is some mystery in the novel which makes it good. I have a feeling that Hester's husband, Chillingsworth is definately going to seek revenge on Hester. That's probably why he make her make a promise to not reveal who he is. Chillingsworth's name also seems to foreshadow what's going to happen. It gives you the chills to think about what he's going to do to her. I think taht whatever he does to Hester, it will affect the Scarlet letter that she has. Right now it stands for adultry, but i think that maybe after her husband has his revenge on Hester that the meaning of the "A" will change. Ms. Clinch mentioned that the meaning of the scarlet letter changes through the novel, so i think that it will change after hester's husband will have his revenge. I have noticed a lot of irony in this novel as well. Some include the fact tthat hester does needlework and sewing. The clothes that she makes as well for the people is ironic, especially to the people that she does it to becuase they all relate to the crime that she has done in one way or another.
Right now Pearl, hester's daughter, is a few years old. I think that when she gets older, she's going to question Hester as to who her father is, and something bad might happen to her. Yet then again, thinking back to the rose bush mentioned in the beginning of the novel, something good might happen to Hester & Pearl and maybe Chillingsworth attempt at his revenge will fgail.

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