Sunday, October 12, 2008

Scarlet Letter

Chillingworth is definately turned into the devil. In reality, I believe that instead of helping Dimmesdale get better with his herbal medicines, I think that he is actually poisoning him with plants that aren't good for you. I mean he's lived with the Native Americans when he was captured and he probably learned from them which plants are good and which are not. And from the way taht he talks with Dimmesdale, he is trying to convince him to let out his sin, and telling him that it's okay for the minister to talk with him. THe devil is someone who comes betweeen a person and god. IN this case, Chillingworth is clearly seen as interfearing the Dimmesdale's relationship with GOd. The minister wants to reveal his sin to god, but Chillingworth keeps interfearing with him and trying to make Dimmesdale tell him what his sin was. This is really having a huge effect on the minister. He is seen more often with his hand over his heart. And even Hester doesn't like the fact that CHillingwroth is really getting his revenge on Dimmesdale. Hester is ready to actually tell Dimmesdale who Chillingworth really is.
Pearl is also getting to an age where she is starting to ask more questions. Sooner or later she's going to find out who Dimmesdale really is and who Chillingworth really is. Pearl keeps questioning her mother as to why the Minister keeps putting his hand over his heart and she connects this to the scarlet letter on Hesters bosom. I wonder what Pearl's reaction will be when she finds out the truth. She might get mad in a way and not talk anymore. I think this only beucase when you think about a real pearl, they shut their clam when the pearl has been taken away. And thus, Pearl might do this when she finds out the truth about her father.

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