Saturday, October 18, 2008

Scarlet Letter

Now that the book is finished, i have seen the result of why Dimmesdale keeps putting his hand over his heart. Even though we exacctly don't know why he does this, because there was more than one account from the people in the crowd, I believe that there was a letter A that he himself carved on his chest. Why else would he keep putting his hand over it? ALso, he was sick before Chillingworth actually came to aid him. So Dimmesdale must have engraved the letter A on his chest.
I also wonder what happened to Pearl. We know that she left her Puritan town in New England. SHe has now become a women and i believe she has a husband. She probably lives a good life far away somewhere in Europe. Even Chillingworth gave all of his land to her when he died. WHen Pearl kissed her father on the scaffold it was like the spell was all broken. Everything was all settled and all the guilt that DImmeadale has was out.
As for Hester, when Chillingworth died, Pearl and her left. But she came back later to her cottage and returned doing her needlework. I think that now she doesn't feel bad about wearing the scarlet letter on her bosom. Everyone knows the truth now and so she dones't have anything to hide.

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