Friday, September 26, 2008

Impression on Paine

Thomas Paine was an incredible man and a writer. When reading his work in the textbook, I noticed that he expressed his emotions a lot. With him being a nationalist and wanting freedom for the American colonists, he really expressed a lot. It seemed as he expressed more rather than actually giving actual factual detail over things. I noticed that he exaggurated a lot. Like when he mentions that the king being a murderer, a highway man and something else. Even though the king isn't any of this, Paine is just saying this for exagguration. But he's just trying to show his point. He's trying to show people, especially Loyalists, that they should show some nationalism and be wanting to be free from Great Britain. When Paine writes his Common Sense, thousands of copies are sold throughout the colonies. This book inspired manyn people about independence and becoming free from Great Britain.

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