Friday, March 20, 2009

Claude McKay Research Paper

Claude McKay is a Jamaican born poet. In his poems that he wrote, he shows a lot of patriotism towards his native country. He is also very proud to be African American. In my research paper about him, I am going to talk about his patriotism that he had towards Jamaica. I don't know exactly how my thesis is going to be worded, but it is going to be something about his patriotism towards his country. McKay also had a lot of influences that contributed to his patriotism that he had. Since he was little, McKay's parents had influenced him and continuously told his to have pride to be African American and be proud of his heritage. His father also used to tell him about African folk tales. So i guess that through his childhood experiences, it impacted McKay on his writing in the future. He saw that the environment that he lived in could be treated by his poetry in the language of the blacks. When he was in Jamaica and started writing his poetry, he wrote in Jamaican dialect. But when he moved to the US, he stopped using this dialect.
In my paper, or for the outline, i am not exactly sure how to divide up the categories. The paper is going to be something about his patriotism and how he was influenced towards his poetry that he wrote. McKay also uses a lot of imagery throughout his poems. And a lot of the imagery has images of like back in Jamaica, like in the poem "The Tropics of New York."

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