Sunday, March 1, 2009

2 Poems by Claude McKay

Two of the poems that i read my CLaude McKay were "A memory of June" and "A Red Flower."
In "A Memory of June" there is a lot of words that represent rebirth in it. They include: baptize, fresh, white, mating, death , wed, and showers. All of these words appear throughout the poem and they are a symbol of rebirth. I guess that there are a lot of these words becuase the title is 'a memory of june' so it is going into a new month, hence a rebirth. This poem also had end rhyme in it. It was in a pattern of A B A B C D C D... etc.
In "A Red Flower", I noticed the use of colors. There were red, blue, brown and green. The red reprents the flowers; blue the sky and water; brown the earth; and green the grass. Hence, McKay has used the colors that represent the earth. THere were also a lot of words in the poem that represent nature. Some of these words were: lily, butterflies, rain, bees, trees, bee, sea and flower. This poem, like the other one also had end rhyme in the same pattern.

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