Sunday, April 19, 2009

A Raisin in the Sun

In the first act of A Raisin in the Sun, all the characters appear and amongst all of them, there is some argument or tension going on. THe most evident one is between Ruth and Walter. Ruth is tired and weary. Where as Walter wants to be something. He wants to open a liquor store with the money that Mama is going to get. But Ruth just doesn't want to take that risk. There is also an argument between Mama and Beneatha. We see that Beneatha is independent and she stands up for what she believes. When she told Mama that she doesn't believe in God, Mama got real mad at her. There was even some tension between Ruth and Travis. Travis wanted some money to take to school, but Ruth didn't give it to him. It wasn't until Walter came out of the shower and gave the money to Travis he got the money. Walter gave his son the money just to show his son that they're managing. He doesn't want Travis to think that they dont have any money at all. One theme that is presented is the use of dreams. Walter and Beneatha represent their father's dream. ANd Mama's dreams are in her children and grandchild. Walter has his dream of buying that liquor store, but RUth doesn't support it. And Beneatha has a dream of becomming a doctor.

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