Sunday, February 8, 2009

Reaction to Huck Finn overall

Overall, I thought that Huckleberry Finn was a great novel. I liked how it showed me that there are actually people out there who have good morals. Jim, i thought was was the most moral character out of everyone in the book. He cared so much for Huck, even though they weren't related in anyway. Huck was also a good character. He learned so much throughout the novel as a whole, and he's a really smart kid. The way that he made up lies in seconds was amazing. It has to do with the streeet smartness that he had. And i did notice that when he had to make up lies to people that he didn't really like, he was able to make up good, convincing lies. But like when he had to make up lies to Joanna, she wasn't really convinced about it.
I also think that this novel shouldn't be banned from the school cirriculum. This novel has a lot of morals and lessons learnt in it. Just beucase it uses the 'n' word so many times just doesn't mean that it should be banned. It's the quality of a novel that matters, not the quantity.

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