Sunday, February 1, 2009

Changes after chap.31

Chapter 31 is a very significant chapter in the book. In this chapter, Huck makes the decision that determines the fate of both him and Jim. Through his time that Huck has spent with him, Huck has 'unlearned' what society has taught him. He learns that Jim is an actual human and has feelings like white men too. In this chapter, Huck makes the decision of going and saving Jim. It shows that Jim is more important to huck than it is going into hell. We see that huck has learned his moral values and knows what is right. Another important change after chapter 31, is that now Tom is back. In the first part of the novel, Huck was the one in charge. Between chapter 16 and 31, Huck encounters the Grangerfords, and the duke and king. The majority of the time in this section, the duke and king are in charge. And now, from chapter 31 and beyond, Tom is the one who is in charge. We see Huck as a narrator again, as he is obeying Tom's decisions in their plan in trying to set Jim free. In the previous section, Huck had to obey the duke and the king.

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