Friday, November 21, 2008


THere are four fireside poets that we read poems from. THey are Henry Longfellow, Oliver Wendell Holmes, James Russel Lowell, and John Greenleaf Whittier. They are all considered fireside poets because their poems were read by families by the fireside in the evenings as a social hour. All four of these poets lived and wrote their poems during the 19th century. One theme that is found in common in their poems is the use of Romantic elements. All four of the poems read by these men include some aspect of relation towards nature. In "A Psalm of Life", Longfellow refers to nature by saying "Footprints on the sands..." In THe First Snowfalll, thre is a lot of references made to the nature, especially the snow. In the poem by Holmes, entitled, "the CHambered Nautilus", he makes a comparison to the nautilus, an animal found in nature, to a ship on the sea. In the final poem, "the worship of nature", uses a lot of romanticism in it. In tshis poem, Whittier compares how nature worships itself and that man doesn't have any care for mother nature.

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