Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Personal Philosophy

WHat is my personal philosophy? Well i don't really know. I guess i could say that it is the phrase, Live, Laugh and love. Because i really like this phrase. I believe that in life, in order to live, one has to laught a lot and love a lot. THis is one thing that you have to do in order to live a happy life in my opinion. I personally belive taht laughter is the best medicine in life. If a person is mentally happy, then phisically they'll be happy as well. It is just like if a person is always in a bad negative mood in thier head, if they continue to be like this for their whole life, then the physical appearance on their face will also be that of unhappy and they;ll start having wrinkles on their face. Just like Emerson speaks of his personal philosophies in both Nature and in Self REliance, my personal philosophy is live, laugth and love.

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