Monday, November 29, 2010


Origami is something that has always fascinated me since I was a child. My best friend and I used to always make things out of paper back in elementary school. She was the one who knew how make everything and she used to teach me. Several years later, I got a origami book but I still haven't really made anything from there, because the directions are really complicated.
The art of origami has been around since the 17th century. The most famous thing made out of origami is the paper crane. It is said that if someone makes 1000 paper cranes, they will be granted a wish. I heard about that since I was small, and even thought about doing it. But then i was like, what if this is not really true? and it would be a waste of a lot of paper and I didn't know where I would keep all the cranes.


Selinaa said...

I also heard about the story about 1000 paper cranes will grant a wish. I tried that once, I gave up when I made about 300. The reason were I got bored and ran out of room to store them..

nick.galli said...

Ive always found oragami a very interesting form of art. I was never good at it, but I liked watching people start with a piece of paper and form an amazing piece of art in such a short amount of time.

Taylor said...

It really is amazing what people can do! I never would have thought of origami as art, but it definitely is! I know I couldn't do all of the things you showed pictures of!

Anonymous said...

Haha your post reminds me the memory that I gave a glass bottle and origami paper as my friend's birthday present... I dont know if she filled the bottle or not.