Monday, November 29, 2010


Origami is something that has always fascinated me since I was a child. My best friend and I used to always make things out of paper back in elementary school. She was the one who knew how make everything and she used to teach me. Several years later, I got a origami book but I still haven't really made anything from there, because the directions are really complicated.
The art of origami has been around since the 17th century. The most famous thing made out of origami is the paper crane. It is said that if someone makes 1000 paper cranes, they will be granted a wish. I heard about that since I was small, and even thought about doing it. But then i was like, what if this is not really true? and it would be a waste of a lot of paper and I didn't know where I would keep all the cranes.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sally Mann

Since this week we were talking about female artists, I decided to blog about Sally Mann, who is a photographer. One of the things she is known for is her photographs of her three children, Emmet, Jessie, and Virginia, that reveal what is meant by growing up. There was a controversy of this becuase there was accusations of child pornography. Mann said that she was just taking pictures of what she saw though the eyes of a mother. She also photographed southern landscapes. In the mid 1970s she had her first one-woman exhibition at the Corcoran Gallery of Art in DC. This exhibition contained pictures of the construction of the Lew Law Library.
A collection of her work, What Remains, features dreams or nightmare like images made with rustic scenes in pictorialist styles, some of which include dead and decaying human bodies.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Dream Weaver

The informational session at the library on dream weaver was really helpful. At least now I have some idea of how to get started on creating the website for the project, because i've never had any experience with computer programming or creating a website. I'm kind of excited for this project now, beucase it doesn't seem to be difficult as i thought it would be.
I guess with doing some more research online, I'll be able to find out more way on how make the website more creative and interesting!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Corn Maze

Corn mazes are another type of public art. I think it's pretty cool how people can design these. It must be really hard though to create the maze itself. I think it'd be cool to go through one of these one day, but I'm sure that I would definitely get lost! I really like the design of the butterfly maze that I've posted.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Titian Exhibit

On Thursday, i went to go see the titian exhibit. Personally, I didn't really like this exhibit. Overall the paintings were really good but their subject matter didn't really appeal to me since it was mostly religious human subjects. But Titian did a really good job on the detail of the people and also with the use of bright colors that stood out. With the gold frame and the red background on the walls at the museum, the paintings looked really good when looking at them from a distance.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Calligraphy is one form of art. I personally think that it is a really beautiful form of writing, especially when you look at Chinese calligraphy.

Here is a clip of a man writing in Chinese calligraphy. He does it so fast, and it must have taken him many years to master that skill.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Art Museums

Here are a few images of different art museums that I found. I thought their designs were very interesting, and that the museums themselves are a art.