Sunday, May 10, 2009

THe Great GAtsby- symbol

Dr.TJ Ecklebyrg is one of the symbols that Fitzgerald uses in his novel. The doctor who is looking down from a billboard into a valley of ashes is something significant. The billboard itself is one that is no longer of use; the eye doctor/place that it advertized for no longer exists. Yet, the blue eyes and the yellow framed glasses are still standing out amongst the dull colors of the area. The doctor sort of represents God looking down on everyone. And since he's looking down at everyone, he knows everything that is going on, so you can't hide from him. In a way it relates to Nick because Nick knows the truth about Gatsby. He knows that Daisy was actually driving the car and that Gatsby just took the blame for it becuase he loved her. Even though Gatsby got shot, and Daisy ran away with Tom, in West Egg, there is still someone who knows the truth about who killed Myrtle. THe doctor also represents Nick becuase the doctor and even God doesn't interfere with anything. In a similar manner, Nick is just telling his story, which is all about Gatsby. Even though Nick shows his interactions with Gatsby, it is just to show us more about Gatsby. The story is mostly about the relationship between Gatsby and Daisy; Nick is just there to tell it from his POV.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Great Gatsby

In his novel, Fitzgerald uses many colors. Some of the colors that he uses include gold, white, red, blue and green. The gold that is in the novel represents happiness and it is used as a rich color. It is like in the movie that we watched about Fitzgerald in class, and of the “golden dream girl.” In the novel, Jordan can be considered as Nick’s golden dream girl. Fitzgerald uses several occasions where he has Jordan “wearing gold”: with Jordan’s slender golden arm resting on mine” (Fitzgerald 43). Nick also puts his “arm around Jordan’s golden shoulder” (79). I think that Fitzgerald uses gold around Jordan’s arms because she’s a golf player, and thus uses her arms in playing. The gold around her arm might also symbolize how good of a golfer she is. White is also another color taht is used quite often. It symbolizes innocence and pureness. Nick is a character who is innocent in the novel and we see him wearing white: "dressed up in white flannels I went over to his lawn a little after seven" (41). THe moon is also a symbol. And it is seen as an innocent character as well, " the sidewalk was white with moonlight" (110).