Sunday, December 7, 2008


After reading "WHere I lived and WHat i Lived for" written by Thoreau, i found some connections between him and CHris McCandless from Into the WIld. Thoreau gave the reason for going into the woods, as he wished "to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if i could no learen what it had to teach." CHris also went into the wild for the same reason. He wanted 'live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life.' Both CHris and Thoreau wanted to have a purpose in life. Both of these men also wanted to have a very simplistic life. Chris only bought what he thought was neccessary to survive. He even gave all of his money to some charity before heading out. Thoreau said 'let your affairs be as two or three, and not a hundred or a thousand'. I agree with Thoreau; however, in today's society that we live in, it is hard to live like that. I mean it is possible, but it would be very difficult. I kinda relate this to cell phones. Today, almost everyone has a cell phone. And they probably are texting each other a hundred times a day. But what did people do when cell phones weren't owned by everyone and texting wasn't popular? Well they didn't do these kinds of things. I mean with cell phones, our lives have just gotten more away from being simplistic.